Đánh giá của sinh viên về kết quả ứng dụng phương pháp học trải nghiệm tại Trường Du lịch - Đại học Huế
Tóm tắt
Experiential learning with innovative methods, such as project-based learning and community learning, is gradually being applied in many countries around the world to develop the capacity of university students. As one of the pioneering institutions in training high-quality tourism human resources in Central Vietnam, the School of Hospitality & Tourism - Hue University has applied experiential learning methods in various forms from the very first years of its establishment. The assessment results by 132 third-year and four-year students in Business Administration at the school presented the students' positive feedback. Most of them asserted that their learning outcomes when applying this method had significant progress in terms of (1) understanding of social issues, (2) a deep understanding of self, and (3) awareness and career skills. Accordingly, the study proposes several solutions to enhance the application of experiential learning methods as a reference model for higher education institutions, especially mainstream universities with the same or similar training area.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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