Mối quan hệ giữa kiến thức, niềm tin và thực hành dạy học của giáo viên Toán: Một nghiên cứu tổng quan
Tóm tắt
Teachers' knowledge, beliefs and instructional practice has been an appealing research direction to the mathematics education community, playing an important role in the innovation of mathematics education programs. Prior studies have explored the causal connections between these variables and provided recommendations for the training of both pre-service and in-service mathematics teachers. By synthesizing relevant literature, this study highlights areas of both agreement and divergence, demonstrating that the relationship and influence of these three components - mathematics teachers' content knowledge (MCK and MPCK), beliefs (MTB), and instructional practices (MTIP) - are not always clearly established. Based on this synthesis, the study proposes a research model tailored to the Vietnamese context, focusing on the relationship between these factors among pre-service mathematics teachers. Based on the research results, the aim is not only to implement the new Mathematics curriculum in general education but also to reform and innovate the teaching process of Mathematics in schools.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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