Phát triển năng lực dạy học STEM cho giáo viên: Một nghiên cứu tổng quan tài liệu
Tóm tắt
Many countries are concerned about human resource training in the STEM field, which is also included in their development strategies. Deploying STEM education in high schools is an important solution to promote the development of human resources in the STEM field in the future. Teachers' STEM teaching competence is a factor that directly impacts the effectiveness of implementing STEM education in high schools. To have a theoretical basis for developing STEM teaching competence for teachers, the author conducted a review study. The research sample includes 60 scientific articles published in the digital databases Web of Science, Emerald, ERIC, SciEP and Scopus. The research results have introduced the concept of STEM teaching capacity, the structure of STEM teaching capacity, and the main competency components that need to be developed as well as the teaching operations to develop STEM teaching capacity for teachers. The results of this research are a scientific basis for reference and application in research and development of programs to develop STEM teaching competence for teachers.
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