Nghiên cứu mức độ hành vi thích ứng của học sinh khuyết tật trí tuệ trong trường tiểu học chuyên biệt
Tóm tắt
Adaptive behavior education is very important for students with disabilities to integrate into society. Firstly, we must assessment the level of adaptive behavior - an input assessment that identifies the abilities and needs of students with intellectual disabilities. Next, the author makes educational plan and evaluation of outputs. This is a time-consuming process and requires the coordination of the whole family, schools and society. The article describes the process of selecting tools and steps to assessment the level of adaptive behavior of 50 students with intellectual disabilities from 8-15 years old, who are attending special primary schools. Researching results show a positive correlation between the degree of intellectual disability and the level of adaptive behavior; age factors do not affect the extent of adaptive behavior; the highest level of adaptation is in the area of personal adaptive behavior, and the lowest is social adaptation.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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