Quản lí hoạt động đào tạo ngành Kĩ thuật xây dựng ở đại học: một nghiên cứu tổng quan từ các công bố quốc tế
Tóm tắt
Management of training activities in Civil Engineering at university in the context of internationalization of higher education in Vietnam is currently a matter of great interest. By using the document review method, the article analyzes some various international publications on the above topic. The research results indicate some prominent research trends and therein lie some useful lessons learned (management measures) as well as research gaps. Through analyzing the publications, two most crucial issues that need to be clarified and discussed more have been identified. The first are the coordination in management and the management of coordination, and the second is academic human resource management. With the above findings and the desire to contribute to the development of higher education in general, higher education in the field of Engineering in particular in the country, hopefully this article will be a useful source of reference for professional scientists.
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