Tổng quan một số nghiên cứu về tham vấn tâm lí cho giáo viên tiểu học
Tóm tắt
Primary school teachers play a very important role in the educational process, contributing to the formation and development of students' personalities. In recent times, the phenomenon of teachers quitting their jobs or having inappropriate behavior has continuously occurred. Studies confirm that one of the main causes is that teachers have psychological difficulties, stress and even exhaustion. Through a review of local and international research, the researcher examines a number of studies on the current situation of psychological difficulties of elementary school teachers. It is revealed that teachers, wherever they are, have the same needs for psychological support when they have psychological problems. There has been a considerable amount of research on teachers’ psychological consultation needs analysis and psychological support for teachers with actual implementation at different levels. However in Vietnam, investigating the need for psychological consultation of primary school teachers and especially researching psychological support activities for this subject is still quite limited. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct future research on psychological consultation for elementary school teachers, contributing to improving teachers' mental health, student learning outcomes and education quality.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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