Các yếu tố cần lưu ý trong giảng dạy biên dịch ở bậc đại học
Tóm tắt
For students, translation is an indispensable subject in foreign language training programs at the university level of language schools. This course is taken after completing the basic subjects and meeting the prerequisites. As for translation teachers, translation is a subject that requires special investment because it is not possible to apply language skills teaching methods to teaching translation. The goal of translation is not only to accurately express the content of the source text, but also to ensure a good representation of socio-cultural elements through the target text. In this article we review changes in the concept of translation, issues that need to be kept in mind in the process of teaching and learning activities such as content, method and culture. Thereby, we propose activities in this process to achieve the highest efficiency in teaching and learning translation.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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