Sử dụng trò chơi trực tuyến trong dạy học học phần Anh văn 3 cho sinh viên đại học (khối không chuyên tiếng Anh)
Tóm tắt
Online games have long been used in English teaching, bringing efficiency both in terms of knowledge as well as creating a lively, exciting, and attractive learning environment for learners. Using online games has brought positive results in teaching, overcoming the monotony of traditional teaching methods. The research proposes the process of using online games in teaching English module 3 for university students and illustrates this process in teaching and practising grammar content “Present perfect simple tense” (English module 3) for university students. Teaching practice shows that using online games in teaching English subjects will help make lessons more lively and attractive, students will quickly remember, review and acquire knowledge naturally and excitedly.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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