Biện pháp tổ chức hoạt động giáo dục STEAM nhằm phát triển kĩ năng giải quyết vấn đề cho trẻ mẫu giáo 5-6 tuổi
Tóm tắt
STEAM education is currently receiving attention from educators, and to make it become a truly effective educational model in Vietnam, scientists have conducted numerous studies on this topic at all levels of education, including preschool education. STEAM education is an approach that provides children with learning situations and allows them to actively build knowledge and skills through exploration, discovery, collaboration, and problem-solving. This research proposes measures to organize STEAM education activities to develop problem-solving skills for 5-6-year-old preschool children, emphasizing the development of skills such as identifying problems, choosing problem-solving approaches, determining steps to solve problems, implementing problem-solving, and evaluating the results. This aims to establish foundational skills in children for subsequent levels of education. This is considered a useful document for further research in organizing STEAM educational activities to develop problem-solving skills for preschool children.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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