Tác động của hành vi công dân trong tổ chức đến giáo viên trung học cơ sở ở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Tóm tắt
Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is considered secondary, voluntary, work-related behavior. As the needs and demands of learners continually change and update in today's reality, teachers' willingness to go beyond their duties will create change, bringing success to schools. Through a convenient sample survey method with an inherited scale and validity test, this article addresses the impact of middle school teachers' organizational citizenship behavior on their colleagues, department and school. Research results show that middle school teachers' civic behavior positively impacts the atmosphere of the department and school, the principal's support, and the student's sense of happiness at work of middle school teachers. Therefore, consideration should be given to replicating and developing the implementation of organizational citizenship behavior of middle school teachers.
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