Mô hình “Trường học là cộng đồng học tập” và việc đáp ứng mục tiêu Chương trình giáo dục phổ thông 2018
Tóm tắt
The “School as a learning community” model was established by Professor Manabu Sato, University of Tokyo, Japan, in the 1990s. From a few initial pilot schools, this model has now widely applied throughout Japan and countries worldwide, such as South Korea, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Mexico. This article introduces the fundamental theories and elements that constitute this model. It is believed that if the model of professional development based on Lesson Study, which was presented in 2006 in Vietnam by Eisuke Saito, Monash University, Australia, is properly implemented, it can become a nucleus of the development of the “School as a learning community” model, meeting the objectives of the 2018 General Education Curriculum.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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