Tự chủ hoạt động chuyên môn của nhà trường và giáo viên phổ thông: Mô hình và điều kiện thực hiện
- Từ khóa:
- Autonomy
- professional activities
- schools
- teachers
Tóm tắt
Autonomy in professional activities is a matter of concern to scientists, teachers and administrators of high schools. The article analyzes the concept and meaning of autonomy; the necessity and conditions for exercising autonomy rights and responsibilities of schools and teachers in the organization and implementation of educational activities towards the development of students' qualities and competencies as required by the general education program promulgated in 2018; responsibilities of management levels in facilitating, guiding and promoting autonomy rights and responsibilities of teachers and schools. From that, the article recommends that principals need to be role models in terms of reforming school administration in particular and practicing innovation in educational activities in general in order to be autonomous in professional activities better in the practice.
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