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- Từ khóa:
- Behavior
- self-harm
- self-harm behavior
- adolescents
Tóm tắt
In recent years, self-harm behavior among adolescents has become a significant challenge in the school environment and has garnered the attention of many researchers both domestically and internationally. This article presents several theoretical issues related to adolescent self-harm behavior, such as definitions, prevalence, forms of manifestation, and factors influencing self-harm behavior in adolescents. Research findings indicate that the prevalence of self-harm among adolescents ranges from 10% to 25%, depending on the region, with higher rates in developed countries compared to developing ones. Self-harm is expressed in various forms, including self-cutting, self-poisoning, and self-inflicted bodily harm, with self-cutting being the most common form. Adolescent self-harm is influenced by multiple factors, including personal and environmental ones, with females typically showing a higher tendency toward self-harm. These research findings provide a foundation for the development of intervention and prevention programs aimed at improving mental health and creating a safer school environment for adolescents.
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