Nghiên cứu dự báo số lượng học sinh tốt nghiệp trung học phổ thông giai đoạn 2020-2030
Tóm tắt
Quantitative forecasting methods are derived from mathematical models and are widely applied in many different industries and fields including education forecasting. Forecasting methods are constantly being updated to make forecasting more effective, and in the education industry, forecasting methods are also constantly being improved depending on the state of the data and the forecasting problem. The article researches the application of various educational forecasting methods to forecast the number of high school graduates from now to 2030. The forecast results are not only responsible for stating the numbers to be forecasted but also fulfill the basic task of forecasting in general and education forecasting in particular, which is to study different feasible options for socio-economic development and education.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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