Tư tưởng giáo dục khai phóng của Wilhelm Von Humboldt và Phan Châu Trinh: Phân tích, so sánh, bình luận
Tóm tắt
Currently, “Liberal Education” is one of the educational ideas, a preeminent educational philosophy that many schools are interested in researching and applying. Via comparative approach, the article analyzes the fundamental principles of the thought “Liberal Education” and points out the similarities in the thinking of two thinkers Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767-1835) and Phan Chau Trinh (1872-1926) on “Liberal Education”. Thereby, the author makes an assessment of the above thought in order to draw lessons for Vietnam in the current renovation process in education and training. In the current context, when Vietnamese education is in need of a fundamental and comprehensive breakthrough and renewal, analyzing and understanding the liberal education thought of Humboldt and Phan Chau Trinh is meaningful work.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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