Kĩ năng tư duy phản biện của trẻ 5-6 tuổi: Một nghiên cứu tổng quan
Tóm tắt
Critical thinking skills are one of the basic thinking operations and qualities, helping 5-6 year old preschool children express their thoughts and assessment of objects and phenomena, develop the ability to reason, recognize, analyze, evaluate arguments, process information from diverse sources, make quality judgments and solve problems. The article uses theoretical research methods to collect, analyze, synthesize, systematize, and generalize scientific documents on critical thinking skills of 5-6 year old children, with 5 contents: concepts, characteristics of children's critical thinking skills; the role of critical thinking skills in children's cognitive activities; content and methods of educating critical thinking skills for children; factors affecting the education of critical thinking skills for 5-6 year old children. The research results provide an overview of critical thinking skills and methods for developing these skills for 5-6 year old children, and at the same time highlight the necessity of researching and developing critical thinking skills for children in more in-depth areas.
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