Đề xuất mô hình ứng dụng công nghệ thông tin trong kiểm tra, đánh giá theo định hướng giáo dục thông minh

Các tác giả

  • Cổ Tồn Minh Đăng Trường Đại học Sài Gòn
  • Trần Thị Tâm Minh Trường Đại học Sài Gòn

Tóm tắt

This research proposes a model for the application of information technology in testing and assessment according to smart education (SE) orientation. Through an analysis of the role and limitations of traditional assessment methods, the research highlights the necessity of innovating assessment forms in line with SE trends. The innovation orientation aims to establish an implementation process supported by technologies. The process includes: Collecting student data, building a question and test bank, organizing online assessments, grading and analyzing test results, providing feedback and adjusting teaching activities. The proposed technologies for implementation include artificial intelligence (AI), online testing software, and big data analytics tools. These tools are integrated according to their respective functions within the proposed assessment process. If the established criteria and requirements are met, the implementation of this model will enhance the objectivity, accuracy, and effectiveness of testing and assessments, as well as promote educational innovation towards the SE trend. The research recommends specific solutions for scaling up the model to a wider scope.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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Đã Xuất bản


Cách trích dẫn

Cổ, T. M. Đăng, & Trần, T. T. M. (2024). Đề xuất mô hình ứng dụng công nghệ thông tin trong kiểm tra, đánh giá theo định hướng giáo dục thông minh. Tạp Chí Giáo dục, 24(đặc biệt 8), 30–34. Truy vấn từ https://tcgd.tapchigiaoduc.edu.vn/index.php/tapchi/article/view/2400


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