Một số bình luận và khuyến nghị nhằm nâng cao năng lực giảng viên tại các trường đại học Việt Nam
Tóm tắt
After years of reform efforts, the working staff and the faculty in particular at Vietnamese universities have achieved great growth in both volume and quality. However, in the contemporary context with new demands, some limitations have been revealed among the faculty. This study proposes a framework for improving faculty capacity to meet the needs of higher education innovation to become the driving force for socio-economic development in Vietnam. Using the method of document analysis combined with the experience in assessing education quality, the author presents a framework with 4 core contents: (1) Faculties’ competency, responsibilities and orientations for developing their tasks; (2) Integrating research and teaching to enhance outcome qualities and the employability of graduates; (3) Participating in community engagement activities and service to fulfill the third mission of the university; (4) Choosing a personal teaching philosophy that governs professional activities, shaping the beliefs, values and attitudes that a higher education lecturer needs to demonstrate. Based on the research results, the author recommends that all four contents should be fully implemented and used as benchmarks for the corresponding criteria in the Set of Criteria for Assessing (1) the Quality of Higher Education at the institutional and (2) the training programmes.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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