Xây dựng ma trận trong thiết kế chương trình đào tạo đáp ứng chuẩn đầu ra
Tóm tắt
The training program and detailed syllabus are one of the most critical issues that determine the training quality of educational institutions. A high-quality program must consist of clear and specific goals and outcomes for measuring and evaluating learning outputs in line with the general and specific requirements of the discipline. The identification of the objectives and outcomes of the training program must illustrate a close relationship in the matrices. By applying information technology (Microsoft Excel), this study has developed an application that is a matrix showing the logical relationship between the objectives and output standards of the training program. Output standards are met based on evidence of the appropriate indicators of knowledge, skills, autonomy and responsibility to ensure that the objectives are feasible, contributing to the improvement of training quality. Not only can this application facilitate educational institutions to devise curricula that meet output standards, but also it would be an effective tool for updating and developing training programs.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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