Xây dựng thang đo các mức độ biểu hiện của tư duy thống kê trong dạy học thống kê ở trung học phổ thông
Tóm tắt
Statistics is a compulsory content in the curriculum of mathematics education in high schools, contributing to enhancing the applicability and practical value of mathematics education. The 2018 General Education Program in Mathematics affirms that the formation and development of the competency to know how to apply statistical thinking in data analysis is one of the important goals in teaching Mathematics with statistical content. This study presents a process of applying statistical thinking to teaching and solving statistical problems, including 4 stages: building questions, collecting data, analyzing data, interpreting results; The proposed process would be the basis for measuring the expressions of statistical thinking of high school students. The construction of this framework is to help students self-assess their own quality and statistical thinking capacity, thereby making plans to develop and adjust learning and training to promote statistical thinking in teaching Mathematics in general and teaching Statistics in particular in high schools.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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