Một số biện pháp phát triển năng lực dạy học cho sinh viên sư phạm Toán thông qua học phần “Thực hành dạy học”
Tóm tắt
The issue of developing professional competence for students is a constant concern at any university. At pedagogical universities, this issue is even more urgent, especially in the context of curriculum and instruction reform. The article presents some theoretical issues about teaching competencies of mathematics teachers and develops a set of standard learning outcomes for the course of Micro-teaching Practice at university. Based on theoretical research and experience review, four measures are proposed and have proven feasible and effective at Hanoi National University of Education. These measures can continue to be deployed and tested on a larger scale to contribute to innovation and improvement of vocational education for mathematics pedagogy students.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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