Phương pháp vấn đáp phát hiện: Từ Socrates đến Polya
Tóm tắt
Teaching discovery inquiry is an art that has existed since ancient times, and has been “normalized” into a teaching technique (the technique of using questions and feedback in teaching). However, in reality, many mathematics pedagogy students do not have a basic understanding of the theoretical basis, so they cannot master the technique of using questions and feedback. This study has provided some theoretical bases showing that discovery inquiry is a teaching method with a long history, from Socrates to Polya, widely used and effective in teaching mathematics, and can be applied in teaching all four typical situations: teaching concepts, teaching theorems, teaching rules and teaching solving mathematical exercises. The discovery inquiry method should be included as part of the Mathematics Teaching Methodology to equip students of Pedagogy.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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