Vận dụng phương pháp ACODESA trong dạy học nội dung “Biểu đồ hình quạt tròn” (Toán 7): nghiên cứu trường hợp tại Trường Trung học cơ sở Trần Huy Liệu, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Tóm tắt
According to the 2018 Mathematics General Education Program, mathematical communication competence is one of the five core components of mathematical competence that need to be formed and developed for high school students in teaching Mathematics. Developing mathematical communication competence for students aims to help them gain knowledge and know how to express that knowledge in communication activities. The research has presented the teaching stages of the ACODESA method and applied this method to teaching the content “Circular pie chart” (Math 7) to develop mathematical communication competence for students at Tran Huy Lieu secondary school, Ho Chi Minh City. If teachers regularly organize discussion and debate activities in the classroom, it will help students not only understand knowledge in the best way but also develop their mathematical communication skills.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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