Một số biện pháp nâng cao hiệu quả giáo dục quốc phòng và an ninh cho sinh viên Trường Đại học Tài nguyên và Môi Trường Hà Nội
Tóm tắt
managing defense and security education in universities is not only meaningful in improving the quality of teaching national defense and security subjects, but also plays an important role in contributing to the implementation of the mission of national defense and security following the orientation of the party and state. over the past time, the ministry of education and training and the ministry of national defense have issued many guiding documents on renovation of national defense and security education management; however, there are still some shortcomings in the practice of national defense and security education management in some universities. based on the analysis and assessment of the current state of management of national defense and security education at hanoi university of natural resources and environment, this study has proposed a few solutions to manage national defense education and training activities at hanoi university of natural resources and environment, meeting the task of national defense and security education in the new situation.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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