Quy trình thiết kế và sử dụng Infographic trong hỗ trợ dạy học đọc hiểu văn bản cho học sinh lớp 3
Tóm tắt
Vietnamese is an important subject at the primary level, in which reading comprehension is a necessary skill for students, serving as the foundation for overall Vietnamese proficiency as well as other subjects. With the goal of integrating information technology in teaching, Infographics, with its outstanding advantage, is considered a new teaching method to improve teaching and learning efficiency, meeting the requirements for reforming the General Education Program 2018. Infographics provides an effective teaching method to enhance students' ability to recognize details, images and content of reading materials, thereby improving their reading comprehension skills. This article focuses on presenting measures to use Infographics to support reading comprehension for third grade students. Research results show that teachers' flexible use of Infographics to support teaching reading comprehension for third grade students will help them develop language and literary abilities in Vietnamese, and develop writing skills through reading and foster love of Vietnamese.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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