Vận dụng quy trình thiết kế kĩ thuật (EDP) trong tổ chức hoạt động giáo dục STEAM cho trẻ mẫu giáo 5-6 tuổi

Các tác giả

  • Ninh Thị Thúy Nga Trường Đại học Thủ Dầu Một

Tóm tắt

STEAM education in preschool education has received much attention from and has been largely implemented by many preschools. The STEAM educational experience is not only compatible with the characteristics of preschool children, as a form of learning while playing, but is also highly feasible for all ages. However, STEAM education in the direction of engineering design for 5-6 years old has not been studied deeply and widely. Based on a number of theoretical issues, the article proposes the principles and engineering design processes in organizing STEAM educational activities for 5-6 year old preschoolers, illustrating this process with specific examples, helping Preschool teachers approach and improve their capacity to design and organize STEAM educational activities for preschool children. Regarding 5-6 years old, applying the engineering design process in creating children's STEAM activities is completely appropriate and feasible.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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Tải xuống

Đã Xuất bản


Cách trích dẫn

Ninh, T. T. N. (2024). Vận dụng quy trình thiết kế kĩ thuật (EDP) trong tổ chức hoạt động giáo dục STEAM cho trẻ mẫu giáo 5-6 tuổi. Tạp Chí Giáo dục, 24(14), 7–12. Truy vấn từ https://tcgd.tapchigiaoduc.edu.vn/index.php/tapchi/article/view/2052


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