Xây dựng bộ công cụ đánh giá mức độ ảnh hưởng của xếp hạng đại học đến hoạt động nghiên cứu khoa học của giảng viên
Tóm tắt
In recent years, university rankings have emerged as a growing trend. From another perspective, it has become a tool to ensure the quality of higher education. Vietnam has a number of higher education institutions listed in prestigious world university rankings such as THE, QS, ARWU. This article aims to develop and define a questionnaire to assess the impact of university rankings on scientific research activities of lecturers at higher education institutions in Vietnam. The questionnaire was developed using qualitative methods through expert interviews, document analysis and the reliability of the scale was assessed by EFA factor analysis and Cronbach's Alpha coefficient with a sample of 117 staff and lecturers of higher education institutions. The results have built and standardized the scale of the questionnaire surveying the opinions of staff and lecturers on the impact of university rankings on scientific research activities of lecturers at higher education institutions in Vietnam. This study is a useful reference for further studies in proposing solutions in university ranking activities, contributing to promoting lecturers' research activities.
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