Xác định các nhân tố ảnh hưởng đến năng lực nghiên cứu khoa học của giảng viên Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội
Tóm tắt
Developing scientific research capacity for lecturers is an important task in the development strategy of Vietnam National University, Hanoi in the context of ongoing digital transformation, and global trend of university ranking. Thus, identifying factors affecting scientific research capacity of lecturers at Vietnam National University, Hanoi calls for adequate attention. This study aims to determine the factors affecting the scientific research capacity of lecturers at Vietnam National University, Hanoi on the basis of a survey of a sample of 256 lecturers from the collegiate universities/ institutes/ member faculties of Vietnam National University, Hanoi. The results show that the factors affecting the scientific research capacity of lecturers include: Regime and policies for scientific research activities; awareness of scientific research; the support of the unit; scientific research motivation; faculty's area of expertise. It can be concluded that Vietnam National University, Hanoi needs to have specific solutions to develop and implement relevant regime and policies to encourage and motivate lecturers to actively participate in scientific research and organize practical activities to educate the motivation and raise awareness about scientific research for lecturers.
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