Tăng cường năng lực nghiên cứu qua việc xuất bản khoa học: Kinh nghiệm từ giảng viên tiếng Anh bậc đại học
Tóm tắt
Scientific research and publication in peer-reviewed journals have become essential in the global university rankings and in assessing lecturers' competence. However, training to improve publication productivity has not received sufficient attention at some universities in Vietnam. This study aims to comprehensively explore the challenges that English lecturers at a university face in the process of writing and submitting scientific research papers to peer-reviewed journals and to identify the training needs on publication productivity for lecturers with less experience. Using a qualitative approach, data were collected through semi-structured in-depth interviews with eight lecturers with publishing experience. Thematic analysis of the data showed that, in addition to research competence, lecturers need to be further trained in publishing skills to publish research in prestigious journals. Understanding these challenges and training needs will be the foundation for developing appropriate management and support mechanisms, contributing to improving the publication productivity of English lecturers at universities.
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