Các yếu tố tác động đến quá trình hình thành bản sắc nghiên cứu khoa học của giảng viên tiếng Anh tại Trường Đại học Cần Thơ
Tóm tắt
Language teacher identity development plays an important part in teachers' professional development. This topic expands the research field of scientific research of lecturers in Vietnam. Applying a narrative approach, this article explores the process of English lecturers’ identity construction through participating in scientific research activities. Based on ecological systems theory, the results from this study show that although the process of establishing a lecturer’s research identity depends heavily on the individual, it is also influenced by external factors, including research interests, publications, career stages of lecturers and regulations from the State and the University. This study provides a general explanation of the process of English lecturers’ research identity construction in the context of educational reforms in Vietnam.
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