Vận dụng phương pháp dạy học tình huống trong môn Khoa học cho học sinh ở một số trường tiểu học tại thành phố Thủ Dầu Một, tỉnh Bình Dương: Thực trạng và một số đề xuất
Tóm tắt
Science subject in primary school focuses on arousing scientific curiosity, giving students the opportunity to learn and explore the natural world; learn how to maintain health and behave appropriately in the surrounding living environment. There are many measures to teach the content of this subject to achieve the subject's objectives, in which the application of active teaching methods in teaching is one of the measures that is of great concern. This article explores the application of science teaching methods in primary schools and the current situation of using situational teaching method in teaching Science subject in primary schools. From there, we propose measures to overcome the difficulties that teachers encounter when applying the situational teaching method to teaching science to help improve the effectiveness of teaching science subjects for primary school students. When students are directly involved in handling vivid and real-life situations, their interest in learning can be enhanced, which brings high efficiency in teaching.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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