Sử dụng kĩ thuật “Lượng tử hóa bài toán” trong dạy học phân hóa: một số ví dụ trong dạy học giải tích 12
Tóm tắt
It is a common practice that students in the same class show many differences, both in terms of needs and competencies. Therefore, teachers' teaching methods need to be differentiated according to the target audience. Math problem quantization is defined as the technique of breaking down a problem into simpler and easier-to-handle problems. The need to quantize the Math problem arises when there is a problem that many students in the class cannot solve. The study presents the problem quantization technique, the process of quantizing the problem, and illustrates this technique in Mathematics differentiated teaching for grade 12 students. With the problem quantization technique, it is possible for teachers to develop a system of differentiation questions and exercises, contributing to the classification of activities, and the evaluation of students’ individual ability to apply knowledge and solve Math problems.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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