Đẩy mạnh công tác giáo dục quốc phòng và an ninh đáp ứng yêu cầu bảo vệ Tổ quốc từ sớm, từ xa
Tóm tắt
Being well aware of position and roles of national defense and security education in the cause of Homeland building and safeguarding, in the recent years, the Party, State, and Central and local agencies have always paid attention to leading, directing and organizing the implementation seriously, achieving important results. However, with the development of situation and requirements and tasks, as well as from the practice of national defense and security education in the recent time, it is required that all levels and branches continue to reform and improve the quality of this important work and propose synchronous and feasible solutions to meet the requirements of safeguarding the Homeland from early and afar. The article focuses on analyzing and evaluating the current situation of national defense and security education through assessment of leadership and direction of all levels; the implementation of defense and security education for different subjects…; on that basis, proposes innovative solutions to improve the quality of national defense and security education, meeting the requirements and tasks of protecting the Fatherland from early and afar. Synchronously implementing these guidelines and solutions helps further improve the quality of national defense and security education, to meet the requirements and tasks in the new situation.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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