Đổi mới chương trình đào tạo theo hướng “Giảm học lí thuyết, tăng thực hành, thực tập” cho sinh viên khoa Du lịch - Trường Đại học Đông Á
Tóm tắt
Resolution 08 of the Politburo has identified the tourism industry as a spearhead economic sector of Vietnam. The current development of the tourism industry puts increasing demands on human resources, which also creates a great challenge for educational institutions to directly train human resources for tourism. The article presents the innovation of teaching forms and methods to reduce theoretical learning time, increase practice time, and practice for tourism students through practical experience at the Faculty of Tourism, Dong A University - Da Nang. Currently, human resources provided by training institutions have not fully met the increasing requirements of businesses in the period of tourism integration with the world. Therefore, the renewal of training programs, access to advanced programs in the world; innovating training forms and methods to be able to dig up qualified tourism laborers to meet the needs of enterprises in the new period is very necessary and urgent.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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