Tích hợp nhiệm vụ dự án trong đánh giá năng lực mô hình hoá toán học của học sinh trung học phổ thông
Tóm tắt
Connecting mathematics with real-life situations and other sciences is one of the targeted approaches of education reform in Vietnam. In particular, mathematical modeling is the process of conversion between practical and mathematical problems by creating mathematical models, thereby solving and evaluating the model. Specifically, project-based tasks - the highest practical level (true modeling) can effectively support the development of students’ mathematical modeling competency. The study used the pedagogical experimental research method to integrate project tasks into the classroom and conduct experiments to evaluate students' mathematical modeling capacity. Integrating project tasks into the classroom creates an opportunity for students to experience and solve real-world problems, thereby helping them develop mathematical modeling competency.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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