Thực trạng hoạt động dạy học hòa nhập cho trẻ khuyết tật tại các trường tiểu học khu vực Nam Trung Bộ
Tóm tắt
Inclusive teaching is a form of teaching children with disabilities in a general classroom environment, that is, children with disabilities study with normal children in the same class, at the same time, in the same program and often at the same age. Survey results show that the development of inclusive teaching goals and content for children with disabilities is carried out regularly and achieves good results. However, inclusive teaching forms for children with disabilities are not rich and effective, and regular and periodic assessment of children with disabilities is not good. Facilities serving inclusive teaching for children with disabilities are still weak; schools have not focused on investing in equipment and teaching aids for children with disabilities. The team of administrators and teachers participating in the work of inclusive education and teaching for children with disabilities is not enough in quantity, not consistent in quality, and the professional competence of some teachers in teaching inclusive classes does not meet the requirements due to the lack of participation in training and fostering courses on inclusive teaching. This affects the effectiveness of teachers' inclusive teaching. The above situation is an important basis to propose a number of measures to improve the effectiveness of inclusive teaching activities for children with disabilities at primary schools in the South Central region.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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