Một số nghiên cứu về hoạt động phát triển chuyên môn cho giáo viên môn Khoa học tự nhiên
Tóm tắt
In the 2018 General Education Curriculum, at the secondary school level, Natural Science is a new subject, embracing multiple changes compared to the old curriculum. Consequently, teachers encounter many difficulties and challenges to fulfill these new requirements. This study analyzes past studies on the topic of professional development for teachers and science teachers around the world, and particularly natural science teachers in Vietnam. Accordingly, the researchers propose some research directions on professional development for Natural Science teachers to meet the current requirements of the 2018 General Education Curriculum. The research results serve as the basis to identify future research directions which have been absent or have not been mentioned systematically regarding professional development for natural sciences teachers.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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