Tổng quan nghiên cứu về vận dụng học tập kết hợp trong đào tạo giáo viên ở đại học
Tóm tắt
Universities are experiencing multiple opportunities to apply new teaching trends in light of technological advancements in education. Blended learning is one of these technology-based techniques that offers plenty of advantages and efficiencies. This article presents an overview of previous studies to provide a literature review of the implementation of blended learning in teacher training at universities. The findings indicate that an extensive amount of research has been done on exploiting blended learning's effects and implementing it into teacher education programs' courses with supporting software and applications. However, adopting blended learning involves challenges for instructors, and students, especially in the context of the ongoing technological revolution. Based on those results, the research offers a recommendation for suitable standards to include learning at the program level in teacher training.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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