Đề xuất khung năng lực tự chủ học tập của sinh viên đại học
Tóm tắt
Learning autonomy and self-study competency has long been of international research interest. Due to the crucial role of learning autonomy in the credit-based education model, it is necessary to evaluate and develop students' self-study competency through research, especially to clarify its constituent skills. Employing the systematic approach, the study clarifies the process of forming the concept of learning autonomy and self-study competency. On the basis of learners’ actual learning process, the article introduces the concept of learning autonomy, students' self-study capacity, and its basic component competencies with specific indicators and criteria, which serves as a framework of reference to observe and quantitatively measure the self-study capacity of students in credit-based higher education model in Vietnam.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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