Thực trạng và giải pháp nâng cao năng lực nghiên cứu khoa học cho sinh viên Trường Đại học Tân Trào trong đào tạo theo tín chỉ
Tóm tắt
The reality in the training in the world as well as in Vietnam has proven the superiority and effectiveness of the credit-based training management model. One of the merits of this form is promoting students’ ability to self-study and self-research, thus developing their creativity and initative in learning. This study shows that the development of scientific research capacity for students of Tan Trao University played an important role in credit-based training; the number of scientific research products of students was still quite modest; students were aware of the benefits of scientific research, but still lack knowledge, scientific research capacity, and experience when implementing the research due to lack of confidence. The solutions proposed in this study are supposed to exert positive effects, contributing to promoting scientific research activities among students; at the same time, serve as a research and application reference for other educational institutions in accordance with local conditions.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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