Các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến ý định sử dụng mô hình “Lớp học đảo ngược” trong dạy học của giáo viên: nghiên cứu tại khu vực miền Trung, Tây Nguyên và Nam Bộ
Tóm tắt
In the context of implementing the 2018 General Education Program, teachers need to deploy teaching models and methods to develop students' qualities and competencies, including the flipped classroom model. The study analyzes the factors affecting the possibility to apply the flipped classroom model through a survey of 351 teachers in the Central, Highlands and Southern Regions in Vietnam. The model involves the factors affecting teachers’ intention to use the flipped classroom model including: perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, purposes, habits and conditions. The results show that the model with the above factors is appropriate, so in order to motivate teachers to use the flipped classroom model in teaching, it is necessary to raise teachers' awareness of the benefits and ease of use of the model, the teaching purposes, and teachers’ habits when organizing teaching and the favorable conditions in terms of facilities, staff and support policies.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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