Phát triển năng lực giao tiếp toán học bằng lời cho học sinh trong dạy học nội dung “Giới hạn của hàm số” (Toán 11)
Tóm tắt
Mathematical communication competence is one of the five core components of mathematical competence that should be developed for students. The development of verbal mathematical communication capacity for students in teaching Mathematics is crucial, because it is in line with the 2018 General Education Program in Mathematics and educational trends in the world. This study proposes a math teaching process with a scientific debate stage to develop students' verbal mathematical communication competence and illustrates this process through teaching problem solving on the topic “Limits of functions” in grade 11. Through the scientific debate stage, students have the opportunity to develop their ability to communicate mathematically orally and help them understand math concepts deeply. Teachers need to focus on developing verbal communication competence in the process of teaching Math to students to help them practice self-confidence, especially critical thinking.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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