Dạy học giới hạn của hàm số theo quy trình Dạy học có pha tranh luận nhằm phát triển năng lực giao tiếp toán học cho học sinh lớp 11
Tóm tắt
According to the general education program of Mathematics in Vietnam, the ability to communicate in mathematics is one of the core mathematical competencies that need to be formed and developed in students in the process of teaching Mathematics. The paper presents about teaching function limit according to the controversial-phase teaching process to develop mathematical communication skills for 11th graders. When teachers organize activities for students to work individually, in group and debate, these activities will help students have many opportunities to share and present mathematical ideas. Experimental results initially show that scientific debate is one of the effective measures to help students develop mathematical communication skills.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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