Dạy học chủ đề “Liên kết hóa học” (Hóa học 10) theo mô hình lớp học đảo ngược nhằm phát triển năng lực tự học cho học sinh
Tóm tắt
In the era of technology 4.0, technology develops more and more strongly, so education needs changes, especially changes in teaching form: online teaching combined with face-to-face; about teaching methods such as switching from classroom learning to diverse learning organizations in many different forms, one of which is the application of the flipped classroom model. The paper researches and designs teaching operation process for the content “Ionic bonding” in the topic “Chemical bonding” (Chemistry 10) according to the flipped classroom model in order to develop self-study competence for students. From the experimental results, the application of the flipped classroom model has contributed to the development of students' self-study competence.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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