Thiết kế hoạt động trải nghiệm trong dạy học nội dung “Đa dạng thế giới sống” (Khoa học tự nhiên 6) nhằm phát triển năng lực tìm hiểu tự nhiên cho học sinh
Tóm tắt
Developing the competence to understand nature is one of the important tasks of Natural science. Therefore, applying David Kolb's learning cycle to increase students' natural experiences is very necessary for this subject. This article proposes a process for designing experiential activities in teaching the content “Diversity of the living world” (Natural science 6) to develop students' competence to understand nature. The proposed process includes 5 steps: Identify the topic; Determine the target; Identify types of activities corresponding to the phases of the experiential learning cycle; Develop teaching steps; Build assessment tools. The process is illustrated by steps to build experiential teaching activities in the topic “Diversity of mushroom”. Designing experiential activities in the direction of developing natural understanding competence must ensure opportunities for students to natural practice through observation, experimentation and active thinking to convert that experience into new knowledge systematically.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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