Mức độ ảnh hưởng của các yếu tố cá nhân và môi trường trong việc thích ứng nghề nghiệp của giáo viên tiểu học mới vào nghề vùng Đông Nam Bộ
Tóm tắt
Career adaptation is considered as a psychological resource that helps novice teachers overcome difficulties in the process of getting acquainted and accepting the actual working conditions of pedagogical activities, thereby forming competencies and qualities that meet professional standards. Currently, in the Southeast region of Vietnam, there is no research on career adaptation of novice primary school teachers. This study aims to understand the correlation and predict factors affecting professional adaptation based on self-assessment questionnaires of 394 novice primary school teachers in the Southeast region. The results show that there are 03 personal factors (physical characteristics, personal personality, social-emotional capacity) and 04 environmental factors (working conditions; workplace atmosphere; regime of salary and allowances; support from family, friends and relatives) are all positively correlated with career adaptation and with the three components of the career adaptation construct (career interest, career control and career exploration). At the same time, in different regression equations, the above personal and environmental influencing factors are all able to predict the level of career adaptability of novice primary school teachers in the Southeast region. This study acts as a useful reference for future research to propose appropriate measures to promote novice primary school teachers’ career adaptability based on personal and environmental factors.
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