Thực trạng và biện pháp quản lí ứng dụng công nghệ thông tin trong hoạt động dạy học ở các trường trung học cơ sở: Nghiên cứu tại huyện Gò Dầu, tỉnh Tây Ninh
Tóm tắt
Managing the application of information technology in schools not only improves the quality of teaching and learning but also enhances management efficiency, promotes interaction, and prepares digital skills for students. At the same time, it creates conditions for innovation and comprehensive development in education, contributing to the enhancement of teaching quality and effectiveness in schools during the current period. This study uses a mixed-method research approach, combining qualitative and quantitative methods, focusing on analyzing and proposing effective management methods for applying information technology in teaching at secondary schools within the research area. The content of the paper includes the assessment of the current situation, the benefits and challenges in applying information technology, as well as specific solutions and recommendations to improve teaching quality. The results of the paper aim to contribute to improving management and educational development towards modernization, adapting to current technological trends and educational innovation.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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