Bàn về khung năng lực giáo viên tiếng Anh ở Việt Nam
Tóm tắt
It is pivotal to be aware of the competence of teachers in general and language teachers in particular. To assess the competence of a teacher of English in Vietnam, Dudzik (2008)'s English Teacher Competency Framework, which is supported by the MOET National Foreign Language Project 2020, is commonly used. However, in reality, there are many different English teacher competence frameworks proposed by different prestigious scholars and organizations in the world with many useful groups of competencies and criteria that have been much neglected. To enhance the ability to assess English teachers' competencies in the conditions and contexts of Vietnam, the article carefully analyzes Dudzik's English Teacher Competency Framework (2008) and several other competence frameworks, from which a new framework is consequently proposed with reference to the groups of competencies and indications from different English teacher competence frameworks; then the new framework is examined to highlight the differences and the superiority over the existing one by Dudzik. This new English Teacher Competence Framework is expected to offer accurate assessment and objective viewpoints on the competence of English teachers in our society.
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