Xây dựng khung năng lực tự học của học sinh tiểu học trong dạy học môn Toán theo mô hình Dạy học kết hợp
Tóm tắt
Currently, self-study activities play a very important role because self-study activities help students promote their positivity, initiative and creativity; practise problem-solving and problem-solving skills. Therefore, in order to achieve the optimal effect of self-study through the Internet, a blended learning model was born - a combination of traditional teaching and online teaching. The research proposes a framework of self-study competence of primary school students in teaching Mathematics according to the Blended learning model, including 4 components and 8 criteria. On the basis of analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the blended learning model when applied to teaching primary school students in Vietnam, the article will provide a framework for assessing students' competence to self-study Mathematics. The construction of this self-study competence framework aims to contribute to improving the quality of teaching Mathematics in primary schools, developing students' self-study competence effectively, meeting new requirements on teaching and learning method today.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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