Giáo dục lòng từ bi cho thanh niên Phật tử quận Gò Vấp, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Tóm tắt
Compassion is a necessary character for young Buddhists in particular and Vietnamese adolescent in general in cultivating their morality. Based on using theoretical research methods to build theories related to compassion education for young Buddhists and survey methods with questionnaires and interviews to determine the current status of training and developing compassion of young Buddhists in Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City, the article proposes three measures to educate compassion for young Buddhists: (1) Apply case studies to educate compassion for young Buddhists through Dharma talks; (2) Integrate compassion education content into extracurricular activities for young Buddhists; (3) Guide personal experience activities in the direction of promoting the development of compassion for young Buddhists. Conducting an experiment on one of the three measures, the experimental results demonstrated that the measure promoted the improvement of awareness and expression of self-compassion, compassion for others and compassion for the environment of young Buddhists. The results can be referenced for other studies on educating love and compassion for pupils and students towards a civilized and peaceful society.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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